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MyPet Microchips by Trovan

microchip - badge - Trovan

The premium microchips

Microchip your client's pets with the best!

ISO11784 & ISO11785

Microchips manufactured to ICAR standards using medical grade materials

Made in Germany

Made in Germany in a state of the art facilities

Easy to use

MyPet Microchips by Trovan come with a range of features to ensure they are easy to use including Tactile feedback and Silicone dot

MyPet Microchip Database


The premium microchip database

All MyPet microchips come with 100% free registration, updates and transfers for life on the MyPet Defra-compliant microchip database.

We communicate with Pet owners

When a microchip is registered with MyPet we check in with the pet owner every 6 months to ensure their details are up to date. 

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What do our customers say?

MyPet microchips by Trovan are brilliant. They are much easier to use and the team provide a very high level of service
Voy Veterinary Clinic

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